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Khulna 3 MW (Solar EPC) Solar Power Plant

Current Status: Proposed

Representational photo: PV Magazine

Khulna 3 MW Solar Power Plant, also known as Solar EPC Khulna Power Plant, is a proposed floating solar Photovoltaic (PV) to be constructed in the pond of Shahid Hadis Park under Kotwali Thana in Khulna City of Bangladesh (Coordinates: 22.8161, 89.5653) approx. It has been proposed by Solar EPC Development Limited (SEPC) as a private Independent Power Producer (IPP) for 20 years. Commercial operation date (COD) is not found in the latest monthly progress report of BPDB (Bangladesh Power Development Board). 


The proposed installed (gross) capacity of the power plant is 3 MW.


Solar EPC signed a Power Purchase Agreement with Khulna City Corporation to set up a 1 MW floating solar power plant in the pond of Shahid Hadis Park. According to the media report, the company was also selected to install a 2 MW floating solar power plant in the same pond under a loan from the Small Development Project (SDP) of the Indian Government (Islam 2021).

Land Acquisition

The power plant will be situated at the pond of Shahid Hadis Park. According to google map the area of the pond is 2.43 acres. 


No information has been found on the finance of the power plant.


Solar EPC Development Limited (SEPC) is the sponsor of the power plant.


No information has been found on the contractors of the power plant.

Fuel Supply

Solar energy will be used as the fuel of the power plant.


According to Section 12 of the Bangladesh Environment Protection Act 1995, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is obligatory for any industry (MOLJPA 1995). Polluting industries, such as power plants, must undergo an Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) and EIA as directed in the Environmental Conservation Rules 2017 (MOEFCC 1997). But, to date, no IEE or EIA report has been conducted for the power plant. According to the environmental conservation rule 2023 the project falls in the “Yellow” indicating it as a slightly harmful project for the environment (MOEFCC 2023).


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