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Sonagazi 50 MW (EGCBL) Solar Power Plant (Phase 1)

Current Status: Construction

Sonagazi 50 MW (EGCBL) Solar Power Plant (Phase 1), also known as EGCBL Solar Power Plant, is a solar Photovoltaic (PV) power plant situated on the north bank of the small Feni River at Sonagazi in Feni district (Location: 22.78841, 91.36616). The power plant is proposed by the Electricity Generation Company of Bangladesh Limited (EGCBL), a State-owned Enterprise (SOE) under the Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB). According to the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) signed on 15 June 2021, the Commercial Operation Date (COD) of the power plant is 14 December 2023 (BPDB 2022). However, the power plant will start its commercial operation in January 2024 (estimated).


The installed (gross) and derated (net) capacity of the power plant is 75 MW and 50 MW, respectively.


The Sonagazi 50 MW (Revised 75 MW) Solar Power Plant Construction Project in Sonagazi, Feni, marks a significant stride towards sustainable energy development. Approved on 7th September 2018, the project has garnered financing from the World Bank, the Government of Bangladesh (GOB), and the organization's funds. The total capacity of the solar power plant originally planned at 50 Megawatts, has been revised to an impressive 75 Megawatts (Revised 75 MW). This ambitious endeavor aims to harness renewable solar energy, contributing to the region's environmental well-being.

The project's key players include the EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) Contractor, a Joint Venture of Changzhou Trina Intelligence Energy Engineering Ltd. and Zhejiang Huayun Electric Power Engineering Design & Consultation Co., Ltd. (TRINA-HYDC JV). The EPC Agreement was signed on 15th June 2021, reflecting a commitment to the timely execution of this groundbreaking initiative. Additionally, the Owner's Engineer (OE) responsibilities are entrusted to a Joint Venture of TUV SUD South Asia Pvt. Ltd. and TUV SUD Bangladesh (Pvt.) Ltd., with the OE contract, inked on 7th June 2021 (EGCB 2023).

The Sonagaji Solar Power Plant Construction Project is set to span from July 2019 to June 2023, with a probable launch date in April 2023. However, to date, the power plant has not started its commercial operation. However, it is estimated that the power plant will start its commercial operation in January 2024 (BPDB 2023).

Land acquisition

The proposed project involves setting up the first 50 MW solar power plant on 165.5 acres of land. 


The project is financed by the World Bank, the Government of Bangladesh (GoB), and the EGCB’s self-funding (EGCB 2023).


The power plant is proposed by the Electricity Generation Company of Bangladesh Limited (EGCBL), a State-owned Enterprise (SOE) under the Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB). 


Joint Venture of Changzhou Trina Intelligence Energy Engineering Ltd. and Zhejiang Huayun Electric Power Engineering Design & Consultation Co., Ltd. (TRINA-HYDC JV) was hired as the Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC) contractor. The EPC contract was signed on 15 June 2021 (EGCB 2023).

Fuel supply

Solar energy will be used directly to get the energy.

Power generation

The power plant has not started its commercial operation yet. 


The construction phase of utility-scale PV projects in Bangladesh is expected to impact land use, agricultural resources, water quality, air and noise pollution, traffic volume, waste generation, and occupational health and safety. The project may affect legal landowners, sharecroppers, and illegal land users, potentially affecting their livelihoods. Mitigation measures are recommended to address these negative impacts, with additional measures for vulnerable households. Environmental concerns include air quality and noise pollution, while ecological impacts include habitat loss and potential sedimentation in canals. Occupational health and safety hazards are also emphasized (EGCB, 2018).




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