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Inani 50 MW (Envision) Wind Power Plant

Current Status: Proposed

 Representational Picture: (Samprotik Deshkal)

Inani 50 MW (Envision) Wind Power Plant also known as the Envision wind power plant is a wind power plant situated in Inani, Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh. The exact location has not been selected yet. The power plant will be sponsored by Envision Energy Limited as a Independent Power Producer (IPP) for 20 years. Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) prepared a power purchase proposal and submitted it to the Cabinet Committee on Government Purchase (CCGP). The proposal was waiting for approval of CCGP even in June 2022 (BPDB 2022). The expected commercial operation of the power plant will start from June 2025 and the power plant will retire on June 2045. At now retendering is being undertaken (BPDB 2024).


The installed (gross) and derated (net) capacity of the Power Plant is 50 MW.


The Inani Beach Wind Farm is a 50-megawatt (MW) onshore wind energy initiative scheduled for Chittagong, Bangladesh. The project is set to be executed in a singular phase and is projected to be operational by 2024 upon the completion of construction (PT,2023). The government has issued a tender inviting private sponsors to establish wind power plants under a build-own-operate arrangement within the upcoming two to three years. According to the terms, the Power Development Board (PDB) will procure electricity from these plants for a duration of 20 years. In the realm of renewable energy, Envision Energy Ltd. (Envision Energy) offers services and equipment. In addition to providing comprehensive life-cycle management, which includes resource assessment,g, engineering design, building, and maintenance. It also distributes wind turbines. Bangladesh has been attempting to phase out fossil fuel-run power plants since wind energy projects are more affordable and environmentally friendly than LNG, coal, and furnace/diesel oil-run facilities (DT 2022).

Land Acquisition

The information about the land acquisition is not found.


The implementation of the project is being carried out by a company named US DK Green Energy Ltd.

Fuel Supply

Wind energy will be used to generate electricity from this power plant.


According to Section 12 of the Bangladesh Environment Protection Act 1995, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is obligatory for any industry (MOLJPA 1995). Polluting industries, such as power plants, must undergo an Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) and EIA as directed in the Environmental Conservation Rules 2017 (MOEFCC 1997). It is not possible to generate electricity when there is no wind as well as the production of electricity from wind power plants create loud noise. But, to date, no IEE or EIA report has been conducted for the power plant. According to the environmental conservation rule 2023 the project falls in the “Yellow” indicating it as a slightly harmful project for the environment (MOEFCC 2023).




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